Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Debate #2 (9/23)


  • the Twenty-second Amendment should be repealed

**Please post your three (3) questions for the Pro, Con, or both sides of the debate, as well as indicating a question or two you would like to see asked in class (through submitting a "reply".  Make sure you read through the questions posted before you, as repeated questions will not count!  Questions should be submitted by 9/22 at noon (12pm).


  1. 1. How much influence do you think the twenty-second amendment has in preventing presidents from packing the judicial system with their own affiliates?
    2. If the president didn’t have to worry about re-election, do you think they could do a better job administrating or governing?
    3. Do you think second term presidents are less successful than first term presidents in getting congress to enact legislation they support?

    := I recommend question #1

  2. 1. Wouldn't be more beneficial for the American people to have a President who was always working for reelection? Would that not benefit the policy the Americans want in Washington?

    2. When a President is considered a lame duck, it becomes highly inefficient for our political system. Is this something the United States wants to endure beyond other inefficiencies present in the federal government?

    3. How does the 22nd amendment limit (or benefit) the executive office in the second term?

  3. 1. If the current president has high approval ratings, what would be the point of getting rid of him after two terms?

    2. The framers were worried about having the president resembling a king. If the President wasn't limited to two terms , like F.D.R, would he start to look more like a monarchial figure?

    3. Would it be detrimental to the economy to have the same political party running the economy for too long?

  4. 1. Does the 22nd Amendment reduce the political power of the President to unacceptable levels? For example the day after a President wins a second term is he instantly seen as a lame duck?

    2. Since a President in his 2nd term will not be reelected, do they have an incentive to use their discretionary authority without fear of retribution? Are they less accountable to the public?

    3. Are Presidents more likely to run into scandals their second term? Could that be one reason why the President can only serve two terms?

  5. 1. Do you think it would be more or less beneficial for a president to just have a single six-year term?

    2. Only 13 presidents have been elected for a second term. Without the 22nd Amendment, would presidents have the public support to be even be considered for a third term?

    3. Without the pressure of reelection during the second term, does this allow the president to focus on more controversial legislation?

  6. 1. Do presidents tend to be more or less radical in their policies during their second term since they no longer have to answer to the public through reelection?

    2. Which of the founders would be the most displeased by the 22nd Amendment and which would approve?

    3. Of the presidents that were elected to second terms since the 22nd Amendment, how would the US be different if any of them had been able to run and were elected to third or fourth terms?

  7. 1. Because campaigning has become so strong the past few decades, it has become easier for candidates to take on incumbents. Could this eliminate the need for a two term limit?

    2. One of Obama's main criticisms in 2008 was that he was unexperienced, but by 2012 those doubts were gone. Would rotating a less experienced president into the office damage foreign policy, especially when situations in the middle east are tense?

    3. Without a term limit, a president might stack the supreme court and other judges in favor of his/her party. Would this make it difficult for future presidents or parties to change things?

  8. 1. Would the founders be in favor of the term limit simply because it truly removes the possibility of having a monarchy?

    2. How can citizens avoid having a president that is only focused on reelection and self-promotion, rather than on the duties of his office? Is there a way to avoid this?

    3. How would times be different if the 22nd Amendment were not in place? Would presidential turnover be more or less frequent? Why?

  9. 1. If the 22nd was voted on today would it be passed? Who do you think would support it and who would be against it?

    2. Would the president still be seen simular to a monarch even if he/she is elected by the people?

    3. With the deep division between democrats and repulicans do you think they would ever be able to repeal it?

  10. 1. Which presidents would this affect if it were to be repealed?

    2. If George Washington were younger and healthier, he could have potentially been president for life if he wanted to. Would the 22nd amendment happened much earlier?

    3. According to the framers of the constitution, would it be debatable that 2 terms would be too many or too few?

  11. 1.Andrew Jackson argued for a constitutional amendment that would limit the president to one term but lengthen it to six years. Would that be a better idea compare to two four-year terms and reelection in between?

    2.Was the enactment of the Twenty Second Amendment a mistake and will it ever be repealed?

    3.Does the Twenty Second Amendment prevent political stagnation? If yes how? If not, why?

  12. 1. Does the fact that the President cannot run for reelection after his second term enable him to expand his executive powers without fear of retribution?

    2. Because of the number of terms (along with other circumstances)FDR had as president he was able to accomplish many great things. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for the country to allow the President to run as many times as he wanted? If the public wants this particular person in, doesn't it make sense to allow him/her to preside as the executive?

    3. Why would anyone be particularly passionate about repealing the 22nd amendment?

  13. 1.Would any president WANT to have a third term?

    2.Why do you think the amendment was added after the terms of FDR, who was a very popular president?

    3.Do you think that if the 22nd amendment hadn’t been added, more presidents would have followed in the footsteps of FDR and sought more terms?

  14. 1. If the voters believe that the president is successful and deserves another term in the White House should they not be able to vote the individual to power yet again? Is it undemocratic to constrict the voters rights?

    2. If both republicans and democrats favorited FDR why exactly was the 22nd amendment adopted closely after he was in office? Aren't the voters supposed to be the ones with the say?

    3. If the president had an unlimited amount of terms, wouldn't our government slowly be headed toward a monarchy?

  15. 1. FDR was the only president to be elected for more than two terms. Considering that the only other two term presidents since then were Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, do you think that any of the presidents since then had a chance to win a second term?

    2. Since there has only been one president to exceed one term, does the 22nd Amendment serve a purpose in protecting the American people?

    3. If a future president was elected for more than two terms could he cause America any harm? Please detail what threats would be possible to our current system.

  16. 1. Don't you thing voters in small and mid-size states would largely be ignored in a national primary?

    2. To the Con side: Presidential primaries do not occur in a vacuum but are often held in conjunction with state and local elections. Why is it not supportable, if moving the presidential primary can have downstream consequences?

    3. To the Pro side: Would a national primary negate many virtues of the current method? Why?

  17. 1. Wouldn't the twenty-second amendment serve as a check and balance on the American President, as the longer the tenure, the greater the possibility of abuse of power?

    2. Is the twenty-second amendment unconstitutional as it impedes the people's freedom of choice?

    3. As we know experience is pivotal for the American Presidency, wouldn't it be beneficial to re-elect a President who has vast experience without a term limit?
