Thursday, November 14, 2013

Debate #9 (11/18)


  • The president is a more authentic representative of the American people than is Congress

**Please post your three (3) questions for the Pro, Con, or both sides of the debate, as well as indicating a question or two you would like to see asked in class (through submitting a "reply".  Make sure you read through the questions posted before you, as repeated questions will not count!  Questions should be submitted by11/17 at noon (12pm). 


  1. 1. In your opinion, do you believe that the electoral college system has made the president to appear less authentic to the public?

    2. According to the pro side, the president faces a wide variety of of electorates than the members of Congress, thus the president is more representative of the people. Do you agree or disagree? if so, explain?

    3. Do you believe in the idea that because in Congress there is more deliberation in crafting polices, thus it is more legit democratic institution than the modern presidency?

  2. 1.If Congress was the more authentic representative of the American government, would then Americans know more about politics? If yes, would that affect party polarization?

    2. If Congress was the more authentic representative of the American government, do you think there would have been seen the expansion of legislative powers as oppose to the expansion of executive powers that we see now?

    3.If Congress was the more authentic representative of the American government, would the system of American government resemble a parliamentary system of government?

  3. 1. Do you think changing the debate and adding "in the international community" to the end makes it more accurate? (con)

    2. How can one man (or woman) represent two opposing factions that are almost split in the middle better than a Congress that gives way to a plethora of different voices, experiences, and backgrounds?

    3. If the President was truly representative of the American people, wouldn't his approval rating be significantly higher? Or at least constantly above 51%?

  4. 1- Do you agree that the president is a more authentic representation of the American people than is Congress because the presidency is the only office directly elected by the entirety of the population and represents a comprehensive climate of the nation? Explain your position.

    2- Party polarization affects Congress, letting it be less authentic than the President. Do you agree with this polarization affect? Explain according to your position on the debate.

    3- Are the people’s urgencies heard more in the room of Congress or in the President’s office? And solved?

  5. 1. How the relationship between media and the President support this theory? Does he appear more representative because of his presence on the news?

    2. What role does the legislative process play in the idea that the President is more representative of the people than Congress? Discuss the role of campaigns in your answer.

    3. How has the power of being able to appeal to the public shaped the view of the President in the eyes of the people? Does he appear more representative because he makes them feel needed to support his policies? Explain using specific policy or recent piece of legislation in your answer.

    1. #1 Edited: How does the relationship between media and the President support your side of the argument? Does he appear more or less representative because of his constant presence on the news?

  6. 1. During the general election campaign, we see the transition from extremely conservative/liberal to the candidate becoming more moderate. Do you think that this has an effect on the way the public perceives the authenticity of the president?

    2. Congress members are usually doing what their constituents want in their particular state. Does this make Congress a more authentic representative for each individual state, while the president is a more authentic representative of the entire country?

    3. Do you think after the Watergate scandal that the presidency may have lost some of its authenticity?

  7. 1. Presidents are single minded seekers of re-election. During a president's second term are they less likely to be an authentic representative of people?

    2. With the extreme polarization of Congress and the recent government shutdown do these events make the president look more or less representative of the people?

    3. Does whether or not the majority of Congress is of the same party as the president determine if he is more or less an authentic representative to the people?

  8. 1. Can it be said that, between the President and Congress, the one that is more representative between the two can change over different terms? (Can Congress be more representative for a term and then the President be more representative in a different term?)

    2. Since the President is representative of the national interest and Congress represents the interests of the states, is it fair to debate who is more representative when they are both authentic representatives of different types of groups?

    3. Is it fair to assume that by the numbers (535 > 1), Congress is more able to authentically represent the American people than the President?

  9. 1. How is the president a better representation of the american people when there is only on of him compared to how many congressmen there are?

    2. How does going public seem to affect how representative the president is to the american people?

    3. Can this debate be neutralized in that the president and congress are both equally representative, just in different aspects of representation?

  10. 1. With increasing polarization in congress is this a better reflection of the population that actually follows politics?

    2. Does the fact that the president is constantly singled out and put in the spotlight allow the general population to criticize him thus making him a better representation than when the spotlight is on congress as a whole?

    3. Is it possible congress represent us better domestically and the president represents us on more of a world scale?

  11. 1. Do you agree that the 4 year term limit is long enough that the president "would not need to reflect the public's wishes at all times"? Would a shorter term limit make the president even more representative of the people, then?

    2. If, like the pro side suggest, the president really did have to be more moderate to balance out the House and the Senate being ideologically extreme, wouldn't we see more third party candidates or independents than we do now?

    3. How would a more informed voter base effect how accurately the president really does reflect public opinion?

  12. 1. How can we say the President is a better representative of the American people when he isn't even popularly elected?

    2. The presidential election has a much bigger voter turnout than congreasional elections. Does this alone make him a better representative?

    3. Is Congress more connected to the people because they represent a smaller amount?

  13. Do you think that due to presidential scandals such as Watergate the presidency has lost authenticity?

    If the president is a more authentic representative of the American people than congress is then why is his approval rating so low?

    The argument is that the president is an authentic representative of the American people, why then do many Americans have distrust towards politics?

  14. Are presidents ever a decent representative of the will of the people?

    What would the basis for a good president be, on a personal level?

    Would an informed voter base actually help the functionality of the president, or would a president still be deceptive?
